Friday, December 31, 2010
Thanks for joining my blog and making it better!
I wish you and your families ALL the best in 2011!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Another new tooling from Airfix!
But I read it nowhere or I missed it!
Bedford QLT in typical Airfix scale, 1/76 and another new tooling!

Due to the photos you can build 2 different types, which means buy 2 boxes! But, compared with the following photo, which shows us the content, I can't imagine to build 2 types of it!
And this photo is from ""-forum:

We have another new tooling from Airfix!
Bad news?
Not in those days! It's after Christmas and before New Year!
Monday, December 27, 2010
M4A3 75 mm. Sherman Fast-Assembly kit!
I don't know if we may describe it this way, but I have done!
That's the third new-product from Italeri, all annouced in their 2010 catalog!
After their M4A2 Sherman III, fast-assembly kit:
this one is from the same family just with 75 mm. gun.
(The picture is from global-models website!)
The set contains as usual 2 models, each with 13 parts (the last Shermans had 15 parts!)
And with a special wargames decals sheet. (If someone can explain, their speciality? Maybe more resistant!?)
I heard you, saying:"Something new, but nothing new! No offence, but who misses a Sherman tank in his collection?!"
Maybe, you are right, if you are collecting and building models since 20-30 years.
But, especially the newcomers (you, know, this new generation, who should have everything very quick! Bought and done!) and the small ones, 5 till 10 years, beginners need those fast assembly kits, IMHO!
Because of that, "Thanks Italeri!"
No, I am also not tired of it!

American GI's 42/44
Germans in Normandy 44.
(The photos are from "plasticsoldierreview" website!)
Especially the alternative heads and arms, additional weapons and the fact that the figures are produced in hard plastic material make it ideal for conversions. The quality and detail is high.
They have also a metal production. The offer includes ONE of the 4 gun products, 2 German, 1 British and 1 US!
British 6pdr At-gun and 3 crew
US 57 mm AT-gun and 3 crew
German PAK 40 75 mm AT-gun and 3 crew
German IG18 75 mm Infantry gun and 3 crew
This offer could be a good opportunity to test their metal products!
If you don't know what to buy or just got something which you can combine with Valiant products, here to order:!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
New photos from Zvezda's Soviet 122-mm Howitzer!
Back side of the box:

What the box contents:

and the instruction:

Desert well & tents!
Today, I have another production, which was announced in the catalog 2010 and arrived at the end of the year.
Desert well and tents in 1/72 scale with new moulds:

The set contains 33 parts; 2 tents, 1 well and a fireplace could be build!
This set is a good addition to the African house from Italeri in 1/72 scale:

After all the vehicles which were used on the North African theatre during WW2 and the latest German paratroopers with tropical uniform, those diorama accessories allows us to build a nice desert diorama!
You can order it here:
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Anti tank obstacles from Italeri!
Anti Tank obstacles in 1/72 scale!
Maybe because I have created my own and wanted competition!
I know, they are not compatible with the Italeri product, but mine!
You can't make a Christmas gift (I know, for yourself!), but it's not too late for a New Year present!
(The picture is from global-models website!)
The set contains 61 parts!
As you can see on the picture there are 4 different obstacle types,each 10 pieces and 4 pieces hedgehows and 5 barbed wire connections!
They all are wargame approved. (IMO, it's not possible to make a mistake with those pieces!)
Here you can buy this item:
Another re-released products from Airfix in 2011!
military vehicles in 1:76 Scale
A01307 - Josep Stalin JS3 Tank
A01316 - T34/85 Tank
A01319 - Chi Ha - Type 97 tank
figures in 1:76 Scale
A01763 - WWII US Paratroops
A01753 - WWII German Paratroops
On their website there is only a picture of the US marines. Especially the Chi-Ha is not easy to find (OK! In E-bay you can find everything!), but in IMHO actually nothing new!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Airfix 's Cromwell for 2011!

Rhino was the nickname of Allied tanks fitted with hedgerow-breaching "tusks" in Normandy after D-Day.
The Airfix production will be a Cromwell, a british tank, and they referred to these "tusks" Prong.
This method of cutting through hedgerows was extremely effective in the bocage terrain of the area, where hedges were a serious obstacle for tanks. (Info from Wiki!)
But, after a closer look, you can also notice that there are some differences with the Revel model.
The part on the back side could be a "Deap wading gear" to drive the tank on the sea floor.
But this is only a suggestion, wait and look for an another explanation from Airfix!
After all that is the announcement in our hobby!
Airfix comes with a new mold!
I wish you ALL and your families
a MERRY CHRISTMAS, surrounded by loved ones!
Hopefully all your wishes comes true by Santa!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Soviet 122-mm Howitzer from Zvezda!
Not only one look to the windows of the shops, also a search in Internet confirms this reality!
Each day we get a new offer from some Producer!
Today it's again Zvezda, with a "fast-kit"-product for the boardgame "The great Patriotic War"!
Soviet 122-mm Howitzer in a 1/72 scale with 2 crew members:

No glue needed!
After the PST howitzer with 5 crew members this one is an other eyecatcher! (Thanks for the info from David O'Brien in the Strelets forum!)
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Soviet DShK AA MG and Crew from ORION!
The plastic figure producer Orion from Ukraine brought a new WW2 set in a 1/72 scale to the market:
Soviet DShK AA MG and Crew:

The set contents 3 MG's and 15 figures (5 different poses).
The russian name is "Degtyaryova-Shpagina Krupnokaliberny" and "Degtyaryov Shpagin" means "Large-Calibre".
It is a Soviet heavy anti-aircraft machine gun firing 12.7x108mm cartridges.
The weapon was also used as a heavy infantry machine gun, in which case it was frequently deployed with a two-wheeled mounting and a single-sheet armour-plate shield.
It took its name from the weapons designers Vasily Degtyaryov, who designed the original weapon, and Georgi Shpagin, who improved the cartridge feed mechanism. It is sometimes nicknamed Dushka (lit. "Sweetie", "Dear"), from the abbreviation.
The back side of the box (Photos are from "Benno's figures forum):

The requirement for a heavy machine gun appeared in 1929. The first such gun, the Degtyaryov, Krupnokalibernyi (DK, Degtyaryov, Large calibre), was built in 1930 and this gun was produced in small quantities from 1933 to 1935.
The gun was fed from a drum magazine of only thirty rounds, and had a poor rate of fire. Shpagin developed a belt feed mechanism to fit to the DK giving rise, in 1938, to the adoption of the gun as the DShK 1938. This became the standard Soviet heavy machine gun in World War II.
The DShK 1938 was used in several roles. As an anti-aircraft weapon it was mounted on pintle and tripod mounts, and on a triple mount on the GAZ-AA truck. Late in the war, it was mounted on the cupolas of IS-2 tanks and ISU-152 self-propelled guns. As an infantry heavy support weapon it used a two-wheeled trolley, similar to that developed by Sokolov for the 1910 Maxim gun. It was also mounted in vehicle turrets, for example, in the T-40 light amphibious tank.
(All the information is from Wikipedia, thankfully!)
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Inside of the box of Zvezda's "Great Patriotic War"!
When you open the box:

The pieces sorted out:

Some of the the boardpieces:

Sunday, December 5, 2010
A closer look to the expansions of Zvezda!
It's a T34/76 1940 version in 1/100 scale!

The box contents one info card of the model for the game, one instructions booklet and the model!

A closer llok to the instructions, which imho is the easiest one in the whole modelworld: